More then 5,000 Sellers are part of our Marketplace Store,
Join us today and get all the excited perks.

Open a New Shop
By opening a shop at our marketplace you can expose more of your products to more potential customers. Your best opportunity for growth could be selling in our online marketplace.

Sell Products
Business is all about trading. It's all about creating a product so good that people pay for it. Increase your sales figure from our high traffic channel.

Get Quick Commission
Be smart and start earning the commission whenever a product of yours is sold through our website. Commission Management provides full transparency and flexibility for both buy-side and sell-side.
Here are some greate Facilities/Perks of our
Marketplace Store
Open a New Shop
You can quickly start expanding your business and have a full-fledged online store without having to deal with the hassle of maintaining and investing in an e-commerce website for your products. So, start setting up your business in our marketplace.
Multi Support
Our company does not want to be in a single-vendor lock-in arrangement, Multi-vendor support setups bring a numerous of benefits thus we provide Multi-vendor/seller support.
Commission Management
Since trust and transparency are an important aspect of a business hence we follow Commission Management that provides the full transparency that shows our sellers the commission charged when their product is sold from our website.
Various Invoice Generation Option
Having well presented and easy to understand invoices will make you look more professional, so we will provide various invoice generation option making sure that you are using the right invoicing tool.
Product Collection & Management
Consumers spend more time researching product purchases online before they buy. This makes quality product content on your eCommerce store more important than ever. It's all a part of a better customer experience, which can lead to an increase in your eCommerce sales.
View Other Seller Profile
The marketplace is made up of items offered by a variety of different merchants, both companies, and individuals. Now you can take a peek inside their seller profile and look at what other sellers are selling.